Welcome to WA Head & Neck Cancer Support Foundation

Head and Neck Cancer 

Support Head and Neck Cancer

Help us support Head & Neck Cancer patients and their carer’s. Also increase public awareness, education and provide funds for research by donating to the Western Australian Head & Neck Cancer Support Foundation. Donate Here

Awareness Head and Neck Cancer

If you have a lump, pain or soreness in your head or neck that will not go away see your medical practitioner as soon as possible.

Education of head and neck cancer

A very little-known cancer that is not highlighted in Australia is Head & Neck Cancer. It was the seventh most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia in 2015. It is estimated that it will become the sixth most commonly diagnosed cancer in 2020.

In 2017 the Western Australian incidence rate for Head & Neck Cancer was 584 people.  Of those 584 people unfortunately the mortality rate was 115.

In 2018 it was estimated that 1,200 Australians died from Head & Neck Cancer. However, we do not highlight the damage and impact it has on our community. Including the 1,200 who died in 2018 from Head & Neck related Cancer.

In 2019, there were 5,212 new cases of Head & Neck Cancer diagnosed in Australia, this accounts for 3.4% of all Cancers diagnosed. That number is expected to increase in 2020. In 2019 it is estimated that there are 17,000 people living with Head & Neck Cancer in Australia.

In 2019, it is estimated that 17,000 people to be living with Head & Neck Cancer in Australia.

In 2019, it is estimated that the risk of an individual being diagnosed with Head & Neck Cancer by their 85th birthday will be 1 in 48 (1 in 32 males and 1 in 92 females).

In 2019 the five-year survival rate was 71%. It is estimated in 2019 that 2.4% of all deaths from Cancer were Head & Neck related.

In Indigenous Australians it is the 5th most commonly diagnosed cancer. In remote areas the rate is 42% and 3.4 % are more likely to die than non-indigenous Australians.

Knowledge, Hope and Support

If someone you love was recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer, you’re in the right place for information and support. The Western Australian Head & Neck Cancer Support Foundation is a comprehensive resource to help you understand and prepare for every step of the cancer journey. You will find information for both patients and caregivers on diagnosis, treatments, dealing with emotions, how you can help and much more.  

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us

Open Hours

Mon – Fri: 7AM – 7PM


Murdoch, Western Australia